Motor glider and Drone in pubg | Pubg new update december 2019 | Motor glider pubg | Drone in pubg | hindi | india

2019-12-21 17

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Motor glider and Drone in pubg
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Motor Glider coming to PUBG soon: You will be able to fly faster across the map shooting enemies PUBG Labs - Motor Glider
Final boarding call for the Motor Glider mode only available for a limited time. PUBG’s first aircraft, the Motor Glider.

PUBG is getting a lot of airborne vehicles lately. The helicopter made an appearance in the mobile version of the game a few months ago under the Payload mode whereas another recent leak suggested that spy drones are coming to the game very soon. However, the PUBG team has plans for more and the next airborne vehicle to make it to the game will be a motor glider. And the best part is that for eager players, they can test it right now for a limited period.

Drones in PUBG MOBILE? Future update could bring spy drones in EvoGround gameplay modes.
PUBG Mobile to Soon Get Drones Similar to Call of Duty Mobile But With a Twist.
PUBG Mobile में ये प्लेयर उड़ा रहा है ड्रोन, वीडियो में देखें
PUBG Mobile to bring drones
PUBG Mobile में जल्द ही ग्रैप्लिंग हुक और डिप्लॉए होने लायक शील्ड जोड़ी जानी है। इसके अलावा PUBG Mobile में प्लेयर्स अपने साथी को नए तरीके से रिवाइव कर सकते हैं। अब एक लेटेस्ट वीडियो में पता चला है कि डेवलपर्स जल्द ही PUBG Mobile में ड्रोन जोड़ने वाली है। बता दें कि Call of Duty: Mobile में भी ड्रोन फीचर दिया गया है।
PUBG Mobile will be getting Grappling Hooks as well as Deployable Shields. PUBG users will also get a new way to revive their mediocre teammates. Now, a fresh video suggests that the company will soon add drones to PUBG. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Yes, drones have been part of Call of Duty Mobile and it could be added to PUBG too.
The developers behind PUBG Mobile have doubled up on bringing updates and adding new features in the past few months. While we are still waiting for the rollout of Erangel 2.0, just last week we saw the new Rage Gear mode or Death Race mode added to the game. A new colour-blind mode is also expected to make its way to the game as confirmed by Vincent Wang, General Manager of Global Publishing at Tencent Games during the PMCO 2019 Finals in Malaysia.

That’s not all, as we have just spotted yet another feature that could be making its way to PUBG Mobile. According to some leaked gameplay footage, an upcoming update will bring drones to the popular battle royale game. From the looks of it, unlike Call of Duty: Mobile, the drones on PUBG Mobile will be more of a spying tool rather than a mobile hunting machine. This means that you can scout an area before making a move.

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